Sunday, October 9, 2011

5 Things

Five random things...

1.  Black-Eyed Peas.  It turns out I like eating them more than I like listening to them.  The legume is not too bad.  I ate them with hot sauce because, well, I'll eat almost anything with hot sauce.  I quite enjoyed the weird-looking little guys.  The band on the other hand, not so much.  No offense to Fergie, Will.I.Am, and the other ones in the band whose names I don't know, but the singles you've released in the past year or so have not been "music to my ears" so to speak.  We had some good times together with "My Humps" and "I Gotta Feeling" but lately, it seems like your "songs" are just random notes and beats thrown together with no rhyme or reason.  In the battle of black-eyed peas, I gotta give the point to the legume.

2.  Ghosts.  I totally believe in ghosts.  I went on a haunted tour with Bil Sanasa this weekend and while I didn't see any ghosts, I believe that some of the places we visited really are haunted.  If you are a FB friend, you might have seen that I was hoping to see some Ghostbusters ghosts, but I would have even settled for Casper, the Friendly Ghost.  It would make for a less cool story than seeing a terrifying one, but still.  A ghost is a ghost.  I definitely did not want to be possessed by one or anything though.  That's going a little too far.  So thank you ghosts and spirits for not taking my body for a ride.  I understand that it was probably quite tempting as I like to think of my body as the Porsche of human bodies, but you resisted.  Nicely done.

3.  To Do Lists.  I made a To Do List for this weekend that ended up having approximately 14 things on it.  Guess how many I accomplished.  As of right now, the count stands at 3.  Three things out of fourteen.  I'm no math whiz, but I don't think that's a very good average.  There's still a couple hours left in the weekend so there's still a shot I could get something else done, but let's be real.  As soon as I finish this blog and my laundry, I'm totally going to camp out on the couch or in my bed and catch up on some TV, probably Tough Love.  I love that show.  I kind of want Steve to use his tough love on me and fix me up with his cache of sexy single men.  Throw a girl a bone, Steve!

4.  St. Louis Blues.  The home opener was this Saturday and unfortunately, the best sports team ever, lost the game.  But it's okay.  It was probably a strategic move.  We are lulling the other teams into a false sense of security, making them think that we are not going to be much competition this year.  But soon, we will begin kicking ass.  The St. Louis Blues will make it to the Playoffs this year.  I can feel it in my bones.  Don't make me a liar, Blues.  Don't do it.  That being said, I am now in the mood to break out my favorite movies ever, The Mighty Ducks Trilogy.  There is never a bad time to watch these cinematic gems, but the beginning of the hockey season gets me all riled up for some Ducks action.  Plus, Emilio Estevez?  Joshua Jackson?  Two of the greatest actors of our time?  What's not to love?  Quack, quack, quack!

5.  Pumpkin.  I bought a can of pumpkin at the grocery store today.  Why?  No one knows.  I do not have a recipe that I needed it for.  I've actually never even really eaten it.  I had one piece of tempura pumpkin at a chinese restaurant once and that's about it.  I've never been a pumpkin pie girl.  But I walked past a display of it and the spirit of Fall filled my soul and suddenly, there was a can of pumpkin in my cart.  I read a recipe on a blog a few weeks ago that was for pumpkin oatmeal but now that I am grain-free, that's out.  Can I mix it in a smoothie or something?  Maybe I can make pumpkin butter?  Or maybe I can mix it into my next batch of chickpea desserts.  It's a pumpkin dilemma.  I also saw whole pumpkins at the store and contemplated buying one of those to carve.  But then I remembered that I am too lazy to carve a pumpkin.

Peas and Love my friends!


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